Book Blog

The Anonymous Bookaholics Tag

I’m very excited to have been tagged in The Anonymous Bookaholics Tag and share a bit about myself and my reading habits with you all! Thank you to O.D. Book Reviews for the tag, definitely go check them out!

Ok, here goes:

1. What do you like about buying new books?

It’s the promise of an unknown story. I love not knowing where the book is going to go before I start. What is the main character like? How will it end? Will it fall into cliches? I LOVE when books surprise me, and it is that anticipation that fuels my reading obsession.

2. How often do you buy new books?

Ha. Too often, but it normally depends on the month. I’m very much a person who goes through phases with my hobbies. When it’s reading, I’ll go through at least two books a week, often times more. When there’s a series I love, I’ll tear through it. But if I’m into doing something else with my free time, like a TV show or a video game (yes, I’m the ultimate nerd), I’ll stick to one longer book that takes me awhile to get through – the Outlander series comes to mind here.

3. Bookshops or online book shopping: which do you prefer?

If I had a bottomless bank account, I would absolutely say bookshops. There’s something you really can’t duplicate about the feeling of walking into a bookshop, smelling that distinctive bookish scent, and taking in the endless possibilities. Plus the added bonus of growing your collection. When I was younger, the local library was my favorite place (Agatha Christie mysteries, I’m looking at you), but now I find that the ease, and price, of e-books better fit my current lifestyle. 

4. Do you have a favorite bookshop?

Not currently, although I have fond memories of Barnes and Noble where I’d spend hours as a kid reading through the first chapter of YA books looking for the best one to spend my money on. I’m currently traveling, so I’m partial to Amazon, specifically the Kindle Unlimited subscription, and the e-book apps on my phone.

5. Do you pre-order books?

I don’t, although there are some that I’ve definitely thought about pre-ordering. I’m unfortunately not known for my patience, so I try and treat myself as you would a toddler: out of sight, out of mind. Even when it’s a book I’m longing to read, if I forget about it now, I’ll probably remember it again in a year when it comes out and it’ll be a welcome surprise when I can buy it and immediately get to read. 

6. Do you have a monthly buying limit?

No, I try and stick to Kindle Unlimited books when I can since I pay for the monthly subscription, but if a book is reasonably priced I normally just buy it. 

7. How big is your wish list?

It’s fairly large, mainly because there are tons of classics on there that I haven’t found time to read. 

8. Which three books from your wish list do you wish to own right now?

In no particular order:

  1. The Help, by Kathryn Stockett – I committed the fatal sin and watched the movie before the book, but it made me cry so hard I absolutely want to read the book
  2. The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown – I love a puzzle
  3. Emma by Jane Austen – I’ve read Pride and Prejudice as well as Sense and Sensibility, and this is definitely the next on my list

Thanks for reading! I nominate:

  1. This Hannah Reads
  2. The Bursting Bookshelf
  3. Genie in a Novel
  4. Ideal Pages

I tried to check and make sure you haven’t done it yet, but apologies if you’ve already been tagged.

I’m so looking forward to reading your posts!

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One thought on “The Anonymous Bookaholics Tag

  1. Yay I’m glad you did it! I love your answers! I recently picked up Kindle Unlimited as well. It really is great for people who read a lot and in my case it will encourage me to get more reading done lol.

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